
  • Marius-Radu CLIM Post-PhD fellow, SOP HRD /159/1.5/S/133675 Project, Romanian Academy Iaşi Branch (Romania); Academia Română, FilialaIaşi, str. T. Codrescu, nr.2, cod 700481, Iaşi


dictionary, Romanian lexicography, intercultural, communication, vocabulary, dictionary typology


This article presents the evolution of the lexicographic works in relation to the needs of interpersonal communication. We shall present a brief history of lexicography and dictionaries, and also their role in promoting the literary language of a people and in facilitating interpersonal communication. The diversity of communication contexts has generated a multitude of lexicographic works meant to respond to a more heterogeneous public. We shall also try to identify the current trends that are present not only in the Romanian lexicography, trends generated by the concern for facilitating intercultural interaction and communication between individuals, namely the computerization of dictionaries. The history of the Romanian lexicography is strongly related to the development of national culture and reflects the stages of this development. The development of the unilingual lexicography, with the Romanian as basic language, the emergence of explanatory and neological dictionaries has significantly contributed to the language enrichment and also to its refinement. The increasing public, his hetero-geneousness, the increasing practical needs are all elements that contributed to the continuous development of the lexicographic works. And the contemporaneity is marked by the computerization of dictionaries and the diversification of the digital applications for translation, all these in order to facilitate the cultural interaction and communication between individuals.


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