Annals of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi. New Series SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK Section2024-12-26T14:01:12+00:00Daniela Soituan-soc-as@uaic.roOpen Journal Systems<p>The journal is edited by the Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences and is published by the Publishing House of „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi.</p>'S PROGRESS IN IMPLEMENTING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 8 OF THE 2030 AGENDA. A STATISTICAL ASSESSMENT2024-12-26T12:23:40+00:00Ciprian IFTIMOAEICiprian.Iftimoaei@iasi.insse.roIonuț-Cristian BACIUIonut.Baciu@iasi.insse.roRobert-Vicențiu<p>Initially, sustainable development was regarded as a response to the ecological crisis caused by the intensive industrial exploitation of resources and ongoing environmental degradation, with an emphasis on preserving environmental quality. Over time, the concept has broadened to encompass the complex notion of quality of life, integrating social, cultural, political, and economic dimensions. At its core, sustainability recognizes the dependence of human activities on the environment and its resources. Key elements such as health, social security, and macroeconomic stability are considered vital for ensuring a high quality of life. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, titled <em>Transforming our World</em>, was adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 25, 2015, with the support of leaders from 193 countries. This framework updates the vision of sustainable development through 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 specific targets. Romania, as one of the signatories, has been implementing its National Sustainable Development Strategy (2018-2030) since 2018. This work adopts an exploratory perspective to examine the progress made in achieving SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth – on global, European, and national levels. To analyze Romania's progress toward SDG 8, we will employ descriptive statistical methods and principal components analysis. The data, spanning the years 2008-2023, are sourced from the National Institute of Statistics and Eurostat. The findings of this study aim to support the assessment and monitoring of Romania's achievements under SDG 8 and to inform strategies and public policies that promote decent work and economic growth.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PHENOMENON AND ITS IMPACT ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: CHALLENGES TO ACHIEVING SDG-12 ON SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION2024-12-26T12:34:44+00:00Alexandru-Cosmin<p>Through this article, I propose a synthetic analysis of the greenwashing phenomenon and its impact on sustainable development, with a focus on sustainable or green consumption and production. This analysis is valuable in the context of the approaching year 2030, when the extent to which the targets set by the United Nations (UN) in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will have been achieved will be debated. In the first part of the article, the trajectory of global concerns regarding sustainable development and sustainable consumption and production is described. The second part presents various scientific approaches to measuring responsible and sustainable consumption, highlighting the increasing tendency of people to adopt a lifestyle based on green consumption, thus becoming green consumers. The third part addresses the phenomenon of <em>greenwashing </em>and its implications for the SDGs. In short, <em>greenwashing</em> represents a misinformation strategy that hides (intentionally or unintentionally) certain information from consumers, used by various companies in order to create the image of organizations concerned about environmental issues and the implementation of sustainable production methods. This phenomenon can create major confusion among green consumers, who are oriented toward sustainable consumption practices. They may fail to recognize whether a product is truly sustainable, whether a company is genuinely committed to promoting green / sustainable consumption, or whether a transition is actually taking place from a linear to a circular economy. Furthermore, greenwashing can fuel increasing skepticism both among consumers, who lose trust in responsible consumption practices, and investors, who wish to support companies that implement environmentally-friendly activities. Therefore, the greenwashing phenomenon proves to be a major challenge in achieving the targets set in the SDGs.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ROLE OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY IN ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES2024-12-26T12:40:22+00:00Manuela IFTIMOAEImanuela.iftimoaei@iccv.roClaudia<p>The article explores the impact of the social economy in Romania on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the <em>UN 2030 Agenda</em>, considering the specific contributions of different types of social economy organizations in achieving sustainable results. These organizations include: economically active NGOs (operating under Government Ordinance No. 26/2000, Law No. 246/2005), licensed social enterprises (operating under the Social Economy Law No. 219/201) and licensed protected units (operating under Law 448/2006 on the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities). The paper aims to assess the contribution of these economic entities to sustainable development by identifying their specific activities that influence progress towards the achievement of the SDGs. Comparative analysis of different types of organizations helps to understand how each contributes to different aspects of sustainable development.</p> <p>The study was based on updated data from the <em>Register of Associations and Foundations</em> (published on the website of the Ministry of Justice), the <em>National Register of Social Enterprises - RUES</em> (published on the website of ANOFM) and the <em>Register of Authorized Protected Units</em> (published on the website of the National Authority for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity).</p> <p>The results underline the direct contribution of social economy organizations to SDG 1 (Poverty Free), SDG 3 (Health and Well-being), SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Growth), SDG 10 (Reducing Inequalities) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). By reporting on the SDGs, organizations clarify their social impact, improve transparency and accountability, and at the same time increase their attractiveness to donors and partners. This approach facilitates the creation of strategic partnerships and fundraising, contributing to sustainable and effective solutions. The SDGs also provide a clear framework for monitoring progress, assessing long-term impact and supporting public policies that promote sustainable economic and social development.</p> <p>In conclusion, social economy organizations play a key role in transforming society and in achieving a significant number of Sustainable Development Goals, having a positive impact on communities, the environment and local economic development and are thus fundamental pillars of global sustainable development.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 THE CHALLENGES OF GIG WORK IN THE EUROPEAN UNION: A REVIEW OF THE PLATFORM WORK DIRECTIVE2024-12-26T12:47:34+00:00Lucian<p>The gig economy in the European Union (EU) has significantly transformed traditional labour markets, prompting critical discussions about worker rights and protections. This article presents a narrative review of the literature on gig work within the EU, focusing on the Platform Work Directive. It explores the challenges of employment status classification, rights and protections for gig workers, the role of algorithmic management, social security inclusion, the impact on platform companies, and policy implications. By synthesizing existing research, the article highlights the broader policy implications for labour protection across the EU and considers potential future developments in this rapidly evolving sector.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 IMAGE OF THE ‘EURO’ IN THE MEDIA. A CONTENT ANALYSIS2024-12-26T12:52:13+00:00Ana – Maria GIURGI<p>The study analyses the image of the euro in the press and public perceptions through a content analysis of media articles. The objective of this scholarly inquiry is to ascertain dominant narratives and themes in order to understand how economic and political events influence attitudes towards the euro and contribute to confidence in the euro. The methodology uses content analysis applied on Italian and European press articles, processed with R packages for sentiment analysis and visualization of the most frequent terms. The study focuses on articles addressing the opinions of the public in the euro area, with a focus on Italy, where euro scepticism is more pronounced. The results highlight both positive and negative sides about the euro, with variations in tone related to economic crises, political dynamics and confidence in fiscal policies. The implications of the research are relevant for policy makers and the media, providing recommendations for effective communication strategies to underpin public confidence in the euro. Understanding the power of media over community perception can facilitate the development of better informed monetary and communication policies that enhance euro stability and acceptance in the euro area.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AS A PILLAR OF SOCIAL COHESION IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: DYNAMICS AND INTERCONNECTIONS2024-12-26T12:57:17+00:00Victor MOCANUatitudinemd@gmail.comIon<p>This article addresses the complex interlink between the levels of social cohesiveness and trust in the Republic of Moldova, underlining that both aspects are significant in determining the country's democratic development. The research describes the trust dynamics by elaborating a profound review of the literature, using secondary data analysis and quantitative research provided by the Institute of Legal, Political, and Sociological Research. Based on sociodemographic information and comparative analysis from other countries, it assesses the degree of trust among people and institutions, especially in the context of pandemic problems. The paper discusses the controversial state-building initiatives of the Republic of Moldova, the oligarchs' strong position, pervasive corruption, and state capture in a position to deprive institutional trust. Unfair competition poses serious barriers to the electoral democratic framework. It does, nonetheless, point to areas of hope, which include media and political plurality, active civil society, and developments around specific reform areas. Equally important is the commitment of the Republic of Moldova to European values, with the European Union holding the key leverage in terms of democratic transformation. While trust is a crucial ingredient in elaborating social cohesion and resilience in the Republic of Moldova, the article argues that democratic improvements will require constant EU incentives.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MARKET INSERTION OF SOCIAL WORK ALUMNI IN ROMANIA2024-12-26T13:04:41+00:00Geta<p>The social work domain is part of a continually changing and challenging global world and new solutions and improvements are needed as should happen in any evolving domain. The main aim of the current exploratory study was to highlight the insertion of the labour market of seven years of promotion alumni on social work from one university founded in 1990, that organizes Bachelor's Degree studies in social work and is localized in the North-East area of Romania. We used a quantitative method (questionnaire on alumni in social work) with mixed questions (closed and open ones) that provided us the means to be able to conclude that the internships and the employment rate exist due to strong community partnerships between the university and local organizations that are active in the social work domain.</p> <p>This exploratory study can represent the early foundation for a sustainable image of employment and a research contribution to the social work system in Romania. According to our exploratory study results from the 174 respondents, 121 were already in the labour market during their university studies and immediately after graduation. Of the 121 respondents, 42 work in the social work system with different executive or leading attributions in public or private entities from local and national levels.</p> <p>The final results helped us present the three main categories of workforce among social work alumni: social workers, specialists in other domains (not related to the social work domain), and teaching staff. They also concluded that re-qualification is frequently encountered among the options of specialists who have chosen to become social work students over the years.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION IN SOCIAL WORK IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: PRACTICES AND DIFFICULTIES2024-12-26T13:09:18+00:00Sergiu OCERETNÎ<p>Professional supervision in social work in the Republic of Moldova is a relatively new field, the first mechanism in the field being approved in 2008. This article presents the results of research carried out on the subject of professional supervision in the field of social work in the Republic of Moldova, which allowed highlighting the implementation practices, needs met by these meetings and some gaps. The supervision activity is carried out in the form of a cascade, especially applying internal supervision. Also, studies have established that group supervision sessions are most often held, which also serve a reporting function.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LITERATURE REVIEW ABOUT JUDGMENTS OF LEARNING, FEELING OF KNOWING, AND TIP OF TONGUE ON AGING EFFECT2024-12-26T13:15:21+00:00Ayşe Nur<p>The purpose of this study is to review previous research findings of the effect on aging in the domain of source monitoring i.e.: Judgment of Learning (JOL), Feeling of Knowing (FOK), Tip of Tongue (TOT). In the first part of the article, the global concept of metamemory is described which has one or two main components of monitoring (e.g., JOL, FOK). Then metacognitive monitoring in older adults from several research findings in the literature is examined. In this study, the difference between younger and older adults on source monitoring which is the subject of the study is also addressed. The recent theoretical and empirical advances on the effect of aging in source monitoring are considered. Previous studies that identified the effects of aging on source monitoring are examined. These studies are compared and interesting points that stood out are discussed. After discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the studies, the questions of where and how these studies can be used are also discussed.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LEADERS MATTER? A CASE STUDY FOR THE LOCAL ELECTIONS IN ROMANIA, IASI COUNTY, FROM 2020 -20242024-12-26T13:26:51+00:00Dorina Ț<p>This article aims to make a theoretical incursion on electoral behaviour through the prism of the relations that matter when voters choose, insisting on determinisms that can matter to them: the relationships between political leaders and the parties they belong to.</p> <p>Starting from the theoretical analyses carried out, especially for the electoral rounds at the national/central level, the article aims to outline the formula of determinism between local leaders appointed for mayors in local elections to influence the results of the electoral elections about the vote obtained by the parties for the nomination of the elected representatives proposed for the Local Councils / the parties to which they belong.</p> <p>The proposed analysis is quantitative, and exploratory, starting from the results obtained in Iasi County in the local elections of 2020 and 2024 for the appointment of Mayors (political leaders) and Local Councils (parties).</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STATUS OF SOCIO-HUMAN DISCIPLINES IN PRE-UNIVERSITY EDUCATION. CASE STUDY IN ROMAN, ROMANIA2024-12-26T13:31:54+00:00Alexandra-Georgiana<p>In this article, we present the results of an empirical study through which we analyzed the perception of teachers and students towards socio-human disciplines (with a case study in the municipality of Roman, Romania). We were interested in the perceptions of teachers and students regarding the importance of socio-human disciplines specific to secondary and high school levels, by applying questionnaires to a sample of 110 teachers and 133 students. Comparatively, we wanted to know if there are significant differences between teachers' and students' opinions regarding the importance of socio-human subjects, to what extent there is the perception that the socio-human field is intended for students and less for students, as well as the differences in students' opinions according to their gender, class of studies, study path and environment of residence. This analysis were doubled by in-depth documentation on the school curricula, and the direct and indirect skills that students must acquire.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024АTED SОCIАL SERVICES FОR FAMILIES АND CHILDREN IN RISKY SITUАTIОNS IN THE REPUBLIC ОF MОLDОVА THRОUGH THE LENS ОF SUSTАINАBLE DEVELОPMENT GОАLS2024-12-26T13:36:08+00:00Cristina CОRОBАNcristinа.corobа<p>The аrticle presents integrаted sоciаl services fоr children аs аn essentiаl element in the prоtectiоn аnd well-being оf vulnerаble children in the Republic оf Mоldоvа. Integrаted sоciаl services tаke а cооrdinаted аpprоаch, cоmbining interventiоns frоm heаlth, educаtiоn, sоciаl prоtectiоn аnd legаl suppоrt. They аddress the cоmplex needs оf children аt risk, including sepаrаted children, children аffected by pоverty аnd children with disаbilities. The Sustаinаble Develоpment Gоаls (SDGs) relevаnt fоr Mоldоvа frоm the perspective оf integrаted sоciаl services аre: erаdicаting pоverty (SDG 1), ensuring heаlth аnd well-being (SDG 3), ensuring quаlity educаtiоn (SDG 4), reducing inequаlities (SDG 10); prоmоting justice аnd inclusiоn (SDG 16) аnd strengthening pаrtnerships (SDG 17). The SDGs fоrm а cоmprehensive set thаt ensure sustаinаble develоpment in Mоldоvа аnd cоntribute tо imprоving the quаlity оf life including fоr peоple in vulnerаble grоups.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024