
  • Delia KRECH School Counsellor CJRAE Hunedoara



career choices, career orientation, gender stereotypes regarding jobs


The social dimensions of career choices represent a theme that is discussed internationally, having however only a few research in Romania. In the present article, I wish to examine to which degree social factors influence school and job-related decisions, on a sample consisting of last year's high school students from Hunedoara County. The present study is quantitative, not experimental, done by applying an online questionnaire and manipulating the results in SPSS. Association analyses and a univariate Chi-Square test have been used for testing the hypotheses.  The results have indicated major differences between the level of satisfaction concerning career orientation counselling between boys and girls, 11th-grade students and 12th-grade students and the 3 high schools in which the questionnaire was done. Moreover, there is a significant statistical correlation between gender stereotypes regarding jobs and the educational path chosen by the students. An extra conclusion of the study is that career choices are not a result of an orientation process that is happening in schools, but significant influence upon such decisions belongs to the parents.

Author Biography

Delia KRECH, School Counsellor CJRAE Hunedoara

PhD Student


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***, Anexa II la Ordinul comun M.E.C.T.S.- M.M.F.P.S. nr.4469/ 12.06.2012/nr.1804/03.07.2012

***, Eurostat ( 2017).

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