
  • Ilarion MÂȚĂ




Discrimination is a social phenomenon with a negative impact not only on the people to whom this treatment is applied, but on the whole community that will have to advise the victims of this antisocial behavior. It is quite possible that all persons, at least once in their lives, have been discriminated against, socially, medically, ethnically, racially, spiritually, culturally or for other reasons that are not the subject of this study. Young people, most of the time, represent the category most often discriminated against, especially in school. Cyberbullying is the most widespread form of discrimination among young people, having some of the most unfortunate consequences, such as depression, low self-esteem, uselessness, marginalization and social exclusion, inability to become a leader, anxiety, and even suicide. How can we limit this social phenomenon? Realizing that, at some point, any aggressor or discriminator can become a victim. The present study presents the results of an anti-discrimination campaign implemented by the Association „Sf. Voievod Ștefan cel Mare – Hârja”, Bacău County, through an activity within the Human Capital Operational Program (POCU), a campaign addressed to a number of almost 500 young people from pre-university education from Bacău County.

Author Biography

Ilarion MÂȚĂ

Lecturer Ph.D., Department of Orthodox Theology and Social Work, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iasi, Romania


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https://eprb.ro/campanie-antidiscriminare-unitati-de-invatamant-preuniversitar, accesed at 05.10.2022

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