health condition, sustainable health, social health, physical health, psychomental health, health indicators, indicators of civilisation, health crisis, civilisation crisis, health ideology,Abstract
Among crises facing present-day societies, health crisis owns a distinct place. Its special ranking is due to the fact that health is a representing indicator for the quality of civilisation of the social bodies. This study approaches the boundaries between health and civilisation from the point of view of the relationship between the whole and its parts. Therefore all health indicators are also to be considered as indicators of civilisation while the overall qualitative condition of civilisation is to be understood as an essential source of influencing the health department. Understanding the concept of health from the point of view of the complex of its sizes requires neither to reduce our rehabilitation attempts to mere physical remedies nor to assign some capabilities and responsibilities to health that the latter might not be able to copewith. From examples presented here it would result that most of the critical health conditions could be restored only by making reference to civilisation and, similarly, health can be augmented in its three-dimensional feature only by the aid of the capital assets of civilisation.References
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