
  • NICUȘOR NACU Haute Ecole Pédagogique de Lausanne




religious indifference, modernity, secularism, fundamentalist indifference


Starting from the writings of Félicité de la Mennais, the article aims to analyze religious indifference as an important coordinate of the current identity profile. Finding its roots in the  skepticism  of humanistic  thinking  and  in  the  interpretive  approaches  that  try  to elaborate rational explanations, religious indifference is, in the end, the consequence of a life choice. It can manifest itself in radical forms and in this sense, we have identified fundamentalist  indifference  as  an  expression  of  an  intellectual  manifestation  that  is imposed on society in an ideological way based on an artificial dichotomy between sacred and profane. All this offers a new, objectifying paradigm within which the definition of homo religious is built. Thus, religious difference accumulates a series of behaviors that subscribe to the centrality of personal experience.


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