
  • Ştefan BRATOSIN Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3


nouthesia, « mise dans l'esprit » du message, mediation of understanding, symbolic confrontation, public communication.


This paper focuses on the communicational importance of a religious concept, namely the concept of nouthesia (from the Greek νουθεσια).This concept illustrates the fact that nowadays communicational tools derive from ancient ways of disseminating the christian message. Both the function of social integration and that of mediation were envisaged by Christian communicational tools such as nouthesia. Nouthesia sends the interpreter to the spiritual meaning of the Bible, but also to a form of activity which intends to produce social connections. Understanding the way this concept functions calls for a brief examination of some types of religious poetry. The ones which are spiritually close to nouthesia facilitate a cultural continuity and not a break in the case of symbolic confrontation.Thus, we may easier perceive the fact that the poetry close to nouthesia plays at the same time (but from different perspectives) an organisational role, an educative and interpretative role and also the very important role of medium for public communication.


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