
  • Ruxandra STOIA

Cuvinte cheie:

ancient philosophy, way of life, meditatio, practices of subjectivation, logos, ethos, parrhêsia, truth


Antiquity and the Subjectivation of Philosophical Discourse: From logos to ethos By assuming that ancient philosophy was a way of life, this current paper proposes to reveal, first of all, a few characteristics underneath the expression „philosophy as a way of life” worked in Antiquity. Second, this study is trying to offer an answer regarding the next question: How the ancient philosophers succeed to maintain active the philosophical discourses? The secret of this technique might come from what Michel Foucault named practices of subjectivation, most visible in Hellenistic and Roman period. Under these practices, the truth is obtained from the philosophical discourses (logoi). The process of subjectivation takes place when the Subject (i.e. the philosopher) accepts and transforms the truth, present in the discourses, into a principle of action (ethos).


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