The Scientific Annals of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (New Series). PHILOSOPHY 2018-08-29T11:23:31+00:00 George Bondor Open Journal Systems The Scientific Annals of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (New Series). Philosophy (ISSN 1221-8413) is the international journal of the Philosophy Department, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iasi. KIERKEGAARD PRINTRE PSEUDONIME 2018-08-29T11:23:30+00:00 Ionuț-Alexandru BÂRLIBA <b>Kierkegaard among pseudonyms</b> This paper examines Kierkegaard’s use of pseudonyms. It is well known that most of Kierkegaard’s philosophical works were written under pseudonyms. Throughout this article I try to put together the reasons and the meanings of Kierkegaard’s pseudonymity. Thus the first part of the essay identifies and explains the main reasons for which Kierkegaard writes under a variety of pseudonyms. Secondly the paper analyses some of Kierkegaard’s most important pseudonyms in order to clarify their hidden meanings. Are the pseudonyms Kierkegaad’s aliases? Are the pseudonymous authors real people? How can we tell the difference between Kierkegaard’s real opinion and the ideas asserted by the pseudonymous authors? These are some of the questions this paper tries to answer. 2018-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2018 The Scientific Annals of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (New Series). PHILOSOPHY SOREN KIERKEGAARD SAU DESPRE IMPOSIBILITATEA TEORIEI ANALOGIEI ENTIS 2018-08-29T11:23:31+00:00 Florin CRÎȘMĂREANU <b>Søren Kierkegaard or on the impossibility of the theory analogia entis</b> Starting from the statement of the Catholic theologian E. Przywara who saw in S. Kierkegaard the modern thinker with a certain perspective on the doctrine analogia entis, I have tried to identify in the writings of the Danish philosopher arguments on which this „perspective” can find its fundament. I did not manage to find in his writings anything but counterarguments that disaffirm the thesis supported by Przywara, for example: „God and man are two qualities between which an infinite difference interposes” (The Sickness Unto Death). The example is not a singular one, this idea being found in almost all of his texts. Reason for which I tend to believe that in the writings of the Danish philosopher we can rather speak of a special type of analogy, a analogia relationis, understood as a relationship, a report, not with the being, attributed univocally or by means of analogy, to man and to God, but with Christ. 2018-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2018 The Scientific Annals of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (New Series). PHILOSOPHY FECUNDITATEA IRONIEI ÎN CADRUL DIALECTICII STADIILOR EXISTENȚEI 2018-08-29T11:23:31+00:00 Liviu Iulian COCEI <b>Irony’s fecundity within the dialectics of the stages of existence</b> The following paper is dedicated to Kierkegaard`s life and work, in the light of the stages of existence that he conceived. Since he is one of the philosophers whose writings are bound together with his personal life, I intend to study him as a whole, both as an ironist and as an ironologist. The main goal of this text is to analyze the function of the concept of irony that helped Kierkegaard to overcome his personal problems, especially his broken engagement to Regine Olsen. If, in his dissertation on irony, the Danish philosopher reffers permanently to Socrates, in the following books he is constantly reffering to Regine. Finally, I argue that the entire game of pseudonyms that he orchestrated was part of his plan to make the leap of faith. Even though his love for Regine was, in a way, a disaster, in other sense of understanding was a good thing, because it forced him to reach out and touch faith, giving us a way of life. 2018-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2018 The Scientific Annals of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (New Series). PHILOSOPHY ALEGERE ȘI NEALEGERE, KIERKEGAARD ȘI BERGSON 2018-08-29T11:23:31+00:00 Ciprian JELER <b>Choice and non-choice, Kierkegaard and Bergson</b> This paper sketches a number of similarities between Kierkegaard’s and Bergson’s thought concerning the general domain of practical philosophy. Both authors, it is argued, claim that there is an essential practicity of aims that needs to be accounted for in any philosophy of action: goals are not something to reach to, but something to do. Moreover, the two authors share similar positions with regards to some of the main characteristics of choice or decision. However, they also share another point which is openly criticized here: though in different manners, both of them seem to allow for the absorption – or the illicit identification – of the question of decision into that of action, and the unwelcome consequences of such an identification for practical philosophy are briefly outlined here. 2018-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2018 The Scientific Annals of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (New Series). PHILOSOPHY “CREDO QUIA ABSURDUM”. S. KIERKEGAARD ȘI L. ȘESTOV 2018-08-29T11:23:31+00:00 Ion VRABIE <b>“Credo quia absurdum”: S. Kierkegaard and L. Shestov</b> The relation between reason and faith has always presented itself as a problematic one. Be it in a relation of complementarity, opposition or exclusiveness, reason and faith have been perceived as two different forms of knowledge of truth. For L. Shestov, the representative of Russian philosophy from the beginning of the 20th century, and S. Kierkegaard, the exponent of Danish philosophy from the middle of the 19th century, the two paths of knowledge could not be reconciled. Faith is possible only after the “escape” from under the guardianship of reason. But how is it possible to free ourselves from its exigencies? 2018-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2018 The Scientific Annals of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (New Series). PHILOSOPHY INFLUENȚA AUGUSTINIANĂ ÎN INTERPRETAREA CURIOZITĂȚII DIN <em>FIINȚĂ ȘI TIMP</em> 2018-08-29T11:23:31+00:00 Ioan Ciprian BURSUC <b>Augustine’s Influence on the Heideggerian Interpretation of Curiosity in Being and Time</b> The theological sources of Heidegger’s thinking are at the same time well known and highly debated nowadays. In this article I will focus only on a single aspect namely Augustine’s influence on Heidegger’s interpretation of curiosity in Being and Time. Despite the multiple and decisive differences between Augustine’s Christian anthropology and Heidegger’s phenomenological ontology, I argue that, in the matter of depicting the curiosity, there is significant common ground. Heidegger extracts what I call the formal structure of curiosity out of the tenth book of Confessions, purifies the concupiscentia oculorum of its moral, theological and epistemological meanings, and adapts it to the exigencies of the Analytic of Dasein. The three points of this formal structure of curiosity are: the dynamic of access and temptation, the orientation onto the new and the spectacle, and the failed finality of curiosity into the world, which amounts to losing the self and missing one’s most authentic possibilities. Nevertheless, due to the fact that the shared formal structure of curiosity can be made explicit only in the light of the fundamental differences, I firstly examine the specific of curiosity in Confessions and in Being and Time. 2018-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2018 The Scientific Annals of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (New Series). PHILOSOPHY ANTICHITATEA ȘI SUBIECTIVAREA DISCURSULUI FILOSOFIC: DE LA <em>LOGOS</em> LA <em>ETHOS</em> 2018-08-29T11:23:31+00:00 Ruxandra STOIA <b>Antiquity and the Subjectivation of Philosophical Discourse: From logos to ethos </b> By assuming that ancient philosophy was a way of life, this current paper proposes to reveal, first of all, a few characteristics underneath the expression „philosophy as a way of life” worked in Antiquity. Second, this study is trying to offer an answer regarding the next question: How the ancient philosophers succeed to maintain active the philosophical discourses? The secret of this technique might come from what Michel Foucault named practices of subjectivation, most visible in Hellenistic and Roman period. Under these practices, the truth is obtained from the philosophical discourses (logoi). The process of subjectivation takes place when the Subject (i.e. the philosopher) accepts and transforms the truth, present in the discourses, into a principle of action (ethos). 2018-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2018 The Scientific Annals of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (New Series). PHILOSOPHY DESPRE MIRAREA ORIGINARĂ A FILOSOFIEI LA HEIDEGGER ÎN GA 45 / ÎNTREBĂRI FUNDAMENTALE ALE FILOSOFIEI. “PROBLEME” ALESE DE “LOGICĂ” 2018-08-29T11:23:31+00:00 Ioan Ciprian BURSUC <b>Heidegger on Wonder (θαυμάζειν) as the Origin of Philosophy in GA 45/ Basic Questions in Philosophy: Selected „Problems” of „Logic”</b> Heidegger addresses the Greek idea of the origin of philosophy in wonder (θαυμάζειν) during all periods of thought, from the early courses to the late texts and conferences. Furthermore, he frequently makes inquiries regarding the phenomenon of wonder and its relation to curiosity, a widely known example is the 36th paragraph of Being and Time. In this article I will focus solely on the most developed form of Heidegger’s interpretation of wonder, which can be found in the course of 1937-1938 (GA 45). Through a close reading of the Heideggerian development, I aim to point out the specific of θαυμάζειν and the role it plays in the question of the origin of philosophy. This consists of an examination of the need and necessity of the first beginning of Western thinking, a refinement of the essential wonder out of its common forms (curiosity, marveling, admiration and astonishment) and the scrutinizing of the thirteen features of θαυμάζειν, delivered by Heidegger. 2018-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2018 The Scientific Annals of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (New Series). PHILOSOPHY TEHNICILE DE SINE ÎNTRE INTENȚIONALITATE ȘI AUTENTICITATE 2018-08-29T11:23:31+00:00 Delia Casiana FLOREA <b>The Techniques of the Self between Intentionality and Authenticity</b> In this paper, I intend to discuss the way in which philosophy teaches the “techniques of the self”. I do not necessarily ask for a technical analysis, not even for a critical one but rather for an opinion-based experiment. I would like to see how philosophy is, or can become a way of living, as well as finding out if this point of view can be justified. Because of this, I started from a possible link between the texts of two philosophers: Michel Foucault and Mircea Eliade. The two philosophers discuss, more or less explicitly, about a series of epistematic experiences that can be conducive to the formation of the subject as the subject of ethics and aesthetics at the same time. 2018-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2018 The Scientific Annals of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi (New Series). PHILOSOPHY