
  • Ioan Ciprian BURSUC

Cuvinte cheie:

Heidegger on curiosity, concupiscentia oculorum, Augustine’s influence on Heidegger, Heidegger’s theological sources


Augustine’s Influence on the Heideggerian Interpretation of Curiosity in Being and Time The theological sources of Heidegger’s thinking are at the same time well known and highly debated nowadays. In this article I will focus only on a single aspect namely Augustine’s influence on Heidegger’s interpretation of curiosity in Being and Time. Despite the multiple and decisive differences between Augustine’s Christian anthropology and Heidegger’s phenomenological ontology, I argue that, in the matter of depicting the curiosity, there is significant common ground. Heidegger extracts what I call the formal structure of curiosity out of the tenth book of Confessions, purifies the concupiscentia oculorum of its moral, theological and epistemological meanings, and adapts it to the exigencies of the Analytic of Dasein. The three points of this formal structure of curiosity are: the dynamic of access and temptation, the orientation onto the new and the spectacle, and the failed finality of curiosity into the world, which amounts to losing the self and missing one’s most authentic possibilities. Nevertheless, due to the fact that the shared formal structure of curiosity can be made explicit only in the light of the fundamental differences, I firstly examine the specific of curiosity in Confessions and in Being and Time.


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