
  • Adelina SZOKOLA
  • Cosmin GOIAN
  • Luiza VLAICU




The study aims to explore the influence of bullying on suicidal tendencies among students who were victims of this phenomenon., 130 responses were collected, of which: 103 are from women, and 27 from men. Since the main purpose of the research is to identify whether the students who were victims of bullying had suicidal tendencies, it was found that the presence of bullying explains a considerable proportion (30%) of the emergence of suicidal tendencies among victims. At the same time, another purpose was to explore the relationship between the social network and the development of a suicidal behavior, and with the use of partial correlation to test the association between poor communication with parents and the emergence of suicidal tendencies while controlling the bullying variable, we identified a significant score confirming the relationship between these two elements.

Biografii autori


Student, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, West University Timișoara, Str. Vasile Pârvan, nr. 4, Timișoara, Timiș, România

Cosmin GOIAN

Asist. univ. dr., Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, West University Timișoara , Str. Vasile Pârvan, nr. 4, Timișoara, Timiș, România


Prof. univ. dr, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, West University Timișoara, Str. Vasile Pârvan, nr. 4, Timișoara, Timiș, România


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