
  • Maria COJOCARU Professor, PhD, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences
  • Mihaela RÃDOI Assistant professor, PhD, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social–Political Sciences, “Al. I. Cuza” University Iasi, Bd. Carol Nr. 11, 70056, Iasi, Romania

Cuvinte cheie:

labour market, labour demand, labour supply, unemployment, cost of unemployment, professional formation, educational policies


The existence and progress of the society is ensured if both the evolution of the two terms – population and economy – and the interaction between them meet certain qualitative and dimensional requirements, one of which refers to the degree of labour force use. Employment is a matter of major interest for all economic agents and social partners, with various implications: economic, psychosocial, educational–cultural, and political. Restructuring the labour factor should meet the requirements of the new equipments and technologies, of the new forms of organization and leadership, of the new mechanisms, methods, and instruments used in the economic activity within a specific, flexible, and effective educational system. Considering the rapid transformations of each nation – including the increase in unemployment rate –, only those people and companies with high creative potential and ability to adjust rapidly to the changes in the outside environment will survive. The entire Romanian education must allow the formation of an autonomous and creative personality for the future actors of the labour market.


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