
  • Conţiu Tiberiu ŞOITU Ph.D. Associated Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iaşi

Cuvinte cheie:

foster family, maternal assistant, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, France, good practices, training content


The training program for the Romanian maternal assistants is exposed to a double regulation system: on the one hand, there are the specific normative deeds issued by structures from de Ministry of Work; on the other hand, there is the legislation regarding the continuous professional training for adults. Between the two, one may notice significant differences. In the beginning of year 2010, we had done a study based on questionnaires and interviews of maternal assistants, social workers, coordinators from public and private field-related institutions, trainers and representatives of training institutions for professional maternal assistants. The results of the research were correlated with the analysis of the specific normative deeds and previously done studies. Our analysis is part of a Leonardo Da Vinci like project- transfer of innovation whose objective is to identify the training needs of maternal assistants from more European countries, including Romania, and to come up with solutions for them. A further study will analyze the efficiency of the suggestion for the harmonization of the training offers.


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