
  • Daniela Gârleanu ŞOITU Ph.D. Associated Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, „Al.I.Cuza” University, Iasi

Cuvinte cheie:

disputes’ mediation, mediators, Romania, The Mediation Council, Social Mediation Commission, social services


In Romania, mediation, as a job, is regulated by the law no 192 from 2006, with subsequently modifications, included in the law no 309 from 2009. Since 2007 there is also the regulation authority in this field: The Mediation Council. In the previous legislative documents there are prefigured commissions (Social Mediation Commission) and ways of occupation’s exertion (health mediator, school mediator) that imply other ways of training and exertion. The intermediation of the relation employer - employee supports the confusions by using the collocation “work mediation”. This article highlights the state of ‘mediation’ within the Romanian society and this occupation’s challenges. Previous micro researches, carried on with students highlighted that there is little knowledge from the public of this field. On the other side, the recommendation to notice the parties, by the judiciary bodies, regarding the use of this alternative way of disputes solving, has just entered into force. Despite this there are more and more authorized mediators, thus the trust in this occupation’s chances, increases. Future researches could identify these changes.


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