
  • ANTONIO SANDU PhD. Prof. at Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania & PhD. Adviser at Doctoral School of Sociology from University of Oradea, Romania



pandemic, psychological impact, mental health, anguish, anxiety, frustration


In this article, a review of the socio-anthropological literature on the impact of pandemics on the mental health of the population is made. Also, the way this pandemic affects the construction  of identity of the population affected by pandemic is taken into discussion. The  historical-anthropological  perspective  refers  to  the  plague  epidemic that  affected Europe during the Middle Ages, to its psychological impact from the perspective of the individual's  relationship  with  otherness  - as a  possible source  of danger.  The  article presents a series of similarities and differences from the perspective of anguish, anxiety and  frustration  caused  to  the  population  by  the  plague  pandemic  and  the  Covid-19 pandemic, highlighting the results of studies published during 2020 in journals indexed in Web of Science, dedicated to the impact of the pandemic. of Coronavirus on the mental health of the population. The research focused on several dimensions of the social construction  process of the Covid-19 pandemic, among which we mention: information on   the   pandemic,   restrictions   imposed  by  the   authorities   as  elements   of  social

(re)construction of the limit of the human condition, medicalization of the social life and the perception of the contemporary  society as a risk society. In this article we will refer exclusively to the results aimed at changes in the identity construction of people affected by the pandemic.


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