
  • Ion IONESCU Professor at Department of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Carol I 11, 700506, Iaşi, Romania


married couple, domestic violence, explanatory models of violence, constructivist sociology, social services.


The phenomenon of violence in the couple was kept long in silence. Today, it is widely present in multimedia, in the literature of specialty where we find articles on topics such as: the problems of the couple, factors predictability of conflicts, predisposing factors of closer partners, the vicious circle of violence, how to prevent and combat domestic violence, appropriate specific interventions. The World Conference in Beijing (1995) asked for more scientific research on domestic violence. The National Survey on Violence against Women (France) is one of the research on which we stop (we present the methodology and some results). Then we present a definition of domestic violence from the perspective of the constructivist sociology and distinguish violent facts, signs, symptoms, types, stages of violence and its effects. Because domestic violence is not a new phenomenon, there are many explanatory models especially cauzalistes (which locates the causes of violence in the person who behaves violently or outside). These theoretical models reflect the complexity of the phenomenon. In a constructivist perspective, we can not evaluate as true or false, but in terms of utility (therapeutic) basic criteria. In the last part of the article we stop on what the professionals of domestic violence with those involved.


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