
  • Mihaela RADOI Lecturer at University „Al. I. Cuza” Iasi

Mots-clés :

Drug abuse, Risk and protective factors


In the attempt to determine the causality of the delinquency phenomenon in minors, it is well-known that the weakening of the connection between the teenager and society is the main element. The components of this connection are: the attachment to a person that can motivate him/her; the involvement in utility inducing academic projects; constructively spent leisure time; the awareness that laws must be obeyed. Minors’ criminality is rooted in the profound transformations that have altered the functions of the family, the school, the community, and that have dramatically reduced their formative role for teenagers. There are various risk or protective factors that influence the attitudes and behavior of teenagers in the case of substance consumption. The analysis of these factors is useful in the development, analysis and assessment of intervention/treatment programs. The studies suggest that the support for certain measures, campaigns, activities focused on protective factors (bio- logical, psychological, social), especially when teenagers are the target group, is a viable alternative to the encouragement and leading of life without substance consumption.

Biographie de l'auteur

Mihaela RADOI, Lecturer at University „Al. I. Cuza” Iasi

Faculty of Philpsophy and Social-Political Sciences, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Bd. Carol I no.11, 700506, Iasi, Romania;


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