
  • Nina Mihaela MIHALACHE



professional training in social assistance, professional skills, institutional partnerships, practice in social assistance, mentor, models of good practice


The relationship with social institutions and the business environment is an essential component both in terms of the employability of graduates of the Social Work specialization and the adaptation of educational plans, of the contents taught to the existing changes in the economic and social environment by consulting employers and professional associations. Beyond the institutional, administrative, and legislative aspects regarding the training of professionals in the field of social assistance, the usefulness of mentors and models of good practice is considered. The practical research from the social assistance specialization of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași regarding the importance and usefulness of students' practice in their professional training, had as its objectives the identification of difficulties in training professional skills for obtaining skills, the collaboration between professionals and practicing students, the importance practices for social assistance specialization, identifying the perception of professionals towards practicing students as well as identifying the professional's image as a mentor and model for them. The questionnaire was used for the practice coordinators, and for the undergraduate students from the social assistance specialization, reports of the practical activity, structured thematically, were used. The conclusions of the research highlighted their perceptions on the role and training of social workers through practice activity as well as the practical implications and benefits of inter-institutional collaboration in professional training.

Author Biography

Nina Mihaela MIHALACHE

PhD, Associated Professor, Department of Sociology, Social Work and Human Resources, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Political Sciences, ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania


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