persons with disabilities, employment, hiring and training policies, assistive technology, reasonable accommodationAbstract
The present study is the result of an empirical research about the role of digital skills, accommodation and technological assistance for the employment of people with disabilities, This research was conducted by the "Alături de Voi" (ADV) Romania Foundation to identify and analyze the challenges faced by people with disabilities on the labour market in Romania as part of a project carried out by the European Disability Forum (EDF), an organization that works at the European level to promote the rights of people with disabilities. More than half of people with disabilities in Europe do not have a job, even though many of them are willing to work. People with disabilities who wish to work are not aware of all the facilities provided by the European and national legislative framework. Sociological research takes as its starting point the right of people with disabilities to work, irrespective of their location, to equal opportunities in the labour market, to decent working conditions, including through the use of modern technologies. The following methods were used to conduct this sociological research: (1) desk research, which involved reviewing national strategies, programs, and public policies related to the education, training, and employment of people with disabilities; (2) secondary data analysis based on statistics provided by Eurostat and National Institute of Statistics regarding the conditions of the persons with disabilities on the labour market; (3) applying a total of 27 questionnaires to companies/organizations to collect information on the education and training level of people with disabilities in digital skills, programs and initiatives related to lifelong learning opportunities, human resources policies of organizations in Romania regarding the employment of people with disabilities, and best practice models in the application of technology to facilitate the work of individuals with special needs. This sociological study does not represent the official position of EDF, nor of ADV.
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