
  • Alexandru NEAGOE Conf. univ. dr. Alexandru Neagoe, Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara, Departamentul de Asistenţă Socială, Blvd. Vasile Pârvan Nr. 4, 300223, Timișoara. Tel. +40-256-592265.


family, social work, gerontology, change, systemic approach


The present article sets out to present a systemic perspective on the role which families play in the social care of elderly population. The article is based on relevant research in the field of social work and systemic practice. An opening section of the study highlights the ongoing significance of families in gerontological social work. Next, according to a family systems perspective, the whole family system is described both as a target for the social worker’s intervention (given the possibility that certain difficulties which the elderly encounter may be related to family dysfunctionalities) and also as a valuable resource in the effort of increasing the quality of life for the elderly. Thirdly, the article seeks to identify and analyse a number of issues which are particularly relevant in the social work with elderly people and their families. Finally, a concluding section brings together some of the main findings of the article.


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