life story, therapeutic stories, social workAbstract
The paper proposes to unravel stories as an alternative method in social work interven-tion by featuring stories as an instrument of evaluation, an intervention technique, a way of creating a therapeutic atmosphere and, not least, as a linchpin for change. Each story has a “moral” conveyed in various ways; sometimes it is visible, some other times it is disguised or barely insinuated. This value of stories makes them usable in family and child social work: they have an exploratory role, of understanding a situation, of describing a process experienced by families and children or that they will experience, or of finding a solution for a particular situation. Stories must be adapted to the life situation of child and family; they may even be used in the adoption process, to explain to a child what adoption means. They may also be used in the field of foster care, to show the role of foster families and of the biological family, in the process of placing a child in a foster care centre. They may also be used when a child experiences conflicting moments.References
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