ageing population, active ageing, elderly people, social services, social protectionAbstract
In recent decades, demographic ageing has become a sensitive issue with an impact on various fields of activity and on future generations, marked by an alarming increase of elderly population and declining birth rate. The National System of Social Assistence represents a complex system of measures of monitorization and control of main risks that the citizens are exposed to respectively old age, illness, unemployment, injury and poverty. Through the guaranteed intervention of the state the framework for respecting human rights is insured, the means and measures of social protection, manifesting solidarity with the elderly people in need. As a member of the European Union, Romania is commited to promote and to implement political strategies for active ageing, insuring measures for maintaining optimal health conditions for citizens, social security, assitance and social protection. The purpose of the article consists in teoretical analyssis of the national system for assistance and social protection destined for the elderly in Romania, which plays a fundamental role in implementing and updating policies for active ageing, as well as to stimulate population growthReferences
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