As a phrase, sexual education oscillates between taboo and disinhibition, between values and social risks, between traditional generations and current generations, generating multiple challenges to the educational field. The semantics of this phrase creates serious inhibitions for educational institutions that promote ethics and human dignity in the educational process. To these are added the social and cultural values that delegate the role of sexual education to the family alone. The present analysis wants to argue the understanding and the role of sexual education for the young generations. In the last decades, democracy, human rights with an emphasis on the emancipation of women, have definitely influenced the mentality and sexual behavior of the young generations. This behavior also brought with it medico-social risks, generating new social phenomena, such as accidental pregnancies, teenage pregnancies, abortion, single-parent families, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. These behaviors also existed before modernity, but as exceptions. The new social phenomena that appeared as a result of the lack of correct sexual education and the overcoming of the family's situation in communicating with young people stimulated the creation of social services to help them. However, the statistics show that the socio+medical risks due to the lack of correct sexual education of young people, have registered an increase in the number of cases as well as the appearance of new social phenomena: human trafficking now also associated with the digital environment, sexual abuse, child pornography, mothers teenage girls under the age of 14 etc. The concern of the professionals of the social environment for the reduction of these phenomena determined the highlighting of the necessity of the involvement of educational institutions in the training and informed information of young people, taking into account the particularities of age, development and psycho-social maturation, but also through the use of specific learning method.
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