The article presents an analysis of the actions taken by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova to ensure the safety and protection of unaccompanied children and children taken by third parties from Ukraine as a result of the war. It is based on assessing existing services in Moldova for refugee children from Ukraine and highlighting the strengths and weaknesses in ensuring their protection. The research program included: (i) desk analysis of statistical data and recent reports regarding the situation of people displaced from Ukraine in the Republic of Moldova, with an emphasis on knowing the situation of unaccompanied children and those accompanied by third parties; (ii) carrying out eight in-depth individual interviews with representatives of international organizations, different social service providers, representatives of central and local authorities. The research data presents the involvement of government authorities in the development of the legal framework for the protection of unaccompanied or accompanied children by third parties in Ukraine, following the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, along with the contribution of central and local authorities, international organizations and civil society to the development of services for children-refugees at border crossing points, in refugee placement centers and communities.
UNHCR, Ukraine Refugee Situation, November 2022. Available online [30.11.2022]
UNICEF, Two million refugee children flee war in Ukraine in search of safety across borders, March 2022. Available online [30.11.2022]
EuroChild. CHILDCICLE, UNICEF. Discussion Paper on guardianship, care arrangements, and custodial responsibilities for unaccompanied and separated children fleeing Ukraine and arriving in the European Union, May, 2022. Available online [20.11.2022]
UNHCR, Refugees Coordination Forum - Republic of Moldova, November 2022. Available online [30.11.2022]
RREUS, UNHCR, UNFPA, UNICEF. Gender-Based Violence Safety Audit Report. Ukraine Refugee Response, Republic of Moldova. August 2022, p.6.
UN. General Comment nr.6 (2005) of the Commette of the Rights of the Child. Treatment of the unaccompanied and separated children outside their country of origin, September 2005. Available online [20.11.2022]
The Council of the European Union. COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2001/55/EC of July 20, 2001 on minimum standards for giving temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons and on measures promoting a balance of efforts between Member States in receiving such persons and bearing the consequences thereof. Available on [20.11.2022]
Law no. 270-XVI of 18.12.2008 regarding asylum in the Republic of Moldova.
Regulamentul privind instituirea mecanismului intersectorial de cooperare pentru identificarea, asistenţa și monitorizarea copiilor în situaţii de risc, veniţi de pe teritoriul Ucrainei, în perioada declarării stării de război în Ucraina (Regulations regarding the establishment of the intersectoral cooperation mechanism for the identification, assistance and monitoring of children at risk from Ukraine during the state of war in Ukraine), approved by CES Decision no. 14 of 14.04.2022.
Măsuri de implementare a Dispoziţiei CSE a RM nr. 14 din 14.04.2022 (Measures to implement the Decision of CES of RM no. 14 of 14.04.2022) approved by Joint Order no. 169/34 of 22.04.2022 of MIA and MLSP.
Modelul actului de evaluare rapidă a interesului superior al copilului aflat în situaţie de risc, venit de pe teritoriul Ucrainei în perioada declarării stării de război în Ucraina (The model of the rapid assessment of the best interests of the child at risk from Ukraine during the declaration of the state of war in Ukraine), approved by Order no.36 of 05.05.2022 of MLSP.