
  • DANIELA COJOCARU Professor Ph.D., Department of Sociology and Social Work, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania
  • JORGE M. L. FERREIRA Professor, Diretor Doutoramento em Serviço Social, Escola de Sociologia e Políticas Públicas, Lisabona, Portugal
  • LYAZID HASSAINI Professor, Cooordination relations et mobilités internationales C.É.R.I.S.È.S., Haute Ecole de Bruxelles, Belgique
  • ION IONESCU Professor Emeritus, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania
  • CARINE MORENO SAINT-MARTIN Docteur en Psychopathologie et Sciences de l’Education, chercheuse à ERASME, Institut de Travail social France



social work, social integration, teenagers, social network, autonomy, mutual learning


The Philia+ project has been approved for funding within the Erasmus + Programme. Several partners from Belgium, France, Germany, Portugal and Romania (from higher education and social work institutions) have worked to support the academic success and social inclusion of (pre)adolescents aged 13-18 in foster care, and to enhance, preserve and develop their support networks. Training programmes were held for teachers, trainers and researchers involved in the project, as well as for students and social work professionals and young people in difficulty in the care of associations and organizations providing them social and psychological support. The aim has always been to change their position according to the theoretical DPAPC (empowerment of individuals and communities) framework and to the methodological RAC (collaborative research-action) framework, in order to enable them to understand the mechanism of the social determinism of success and failure and to enhance their support networks. We managed to create two training modules, teasers of experienced testimonies (focus groups, comprehensive conversations), educational films for the two modules, educational films on accompanying Roma and unaccompanied minors.


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