Social Media and Domestic Violence


  • George Cristian NISTOR PhD, Marketing and Communication, Conduent Business Services România


social media, domestic violence.


Domestic violence is the most brutal manifestation of inequality existing in our society. The victims of this phenomenon are women for the simple fact that their aggressors do not recognize their minimum rights of freedom, respect and decision- making. At the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995, the UN acknowledged that violence against women is an obstacle to achieving equality, development and peace and that it violates and violates human rights and fundamental freedoms. The UN defines the phenomenon as a manifestation of power relations between women and men that, as history shows us, have always been unequal. Social media, it comes in a variety of forms from the most popular like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to things like blogs, business networks and forums. Those who are active online within these social media platforms each and every month reach into billions of users. Accessibility is also becoming easier, as everyone can now connect via a mobile device. The reason behind social media, why do people share? First, many want to share the content they find, because it is entertaining or the information has value. Social media helps connect people, as well as helping to grow businesses. Another reason includes people using social media for causes and charities, sharing these because they feel strongly about a certain issue. This brings us to how social media can have an impact on the community and general society. Many of the problems in the world today have more exposure, therefore bringing increased awareness of issues. This is definitely a positive side to social media, but is there also a downside?


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