
  • Marius Vasiluță-Ștefănescu PhD in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, West University of Timişoara, Romania, Address: Bvd. Pârvan Nr.4, Timisoara, Romania, Phone 0040723005424


non-governmental organizations Timiş, people with disabilities, models of good practice, integrated interventions, occupational integration of vulnerable groups


Our paper is based on an empirical sociological research on the analysis of the effects of successful interventions included in the process of occupational integration of people from vulnerable groups, the target group being represented by people with intellectual disabilities in Timişoara. Methodologically, the theoretical apparatus operationalises concepts such as success model, beneficiaries, main organization, partner organizations, intervention, intervention implementation, intervention results and sustainability, good practice models. The methodology used was qualitative, with emphasis on case studies. The methods used were sociological observation (direct nonparticipation, document analysis) and semi-structured individual interview. The applicative contribution of this diagnosis is reflected in the analysis of opportunities for replicating successful models by integrating policies and practices in the field, factors that generate successful interventions in the process of occupational integration of vulnerable groups. The overall hypothesis, which guides the whole exploratory approach, states that there is a stock of successful models resulting from social interventions used by actors directly involved in the occupational integration of vulnerable groups with potential for inter-institutional replication at national level. Key results include the impact of interventions on beneficiaries, the sustainability of interventions, the main challenges of sustainability, future plans and legislative proposals to multiply interventions, based on a series of semi-structured interviews conducted with beneficiaries of the services and employees of "Pentru Voi" NGO from Timisoara. This research can be continued by expanding the population's universe, including the families of people with intellectual disabilities in the process of their professional integration.


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