
  • Sorina CORMAN University Assistant, Department of Journalism, Public Relations, Sociology and Psychology, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu; Address: Bd. Victoriei Nr. 5-7, Sibiu, 550024, Romania; Tel: +40-(269) 21.60.68; Fax: +40-(269) 23.29.66
  • Amalia PAVELESCU Associate Professor, Department of Journalism, Public Relations, Sociology and Psychology, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu; Address: Bd. Victoriei Nr. 5-7, Sibiu, 550024, Romania; Tel: +40-(269) 21.60.68; Fax: +40-(269) 23.29.66


decision-making, person-centred minimum standard, services according to particular need


Elderly’s points of view and their active involvement in the delivery of social services, from the perspective of paternalism, reflect the practitioners’ complex responsibilities in decision-making. The present article is part of a larger study that aims to identify the modalities of implementing the minimum compulsory standards in residential care centres for the elderly. We intend to highlight the results referring to the elderly’s involvement in assessing / re-testing, planning, and providing their needs / services. We based our study on a qualitative method, on the mandatory “person-centred” minimum standard, which states it should involve the beneficiary “in the process of delivering social services and in decision-making”. The difficulties encountered by social service providers when implementing the minimum mandatory standards if considering or not the beneficiaries’ expectations referring to their active involvement or paternalism were in the focus of our research. Reflecting the analysis of our study, we identified several types of beneficiaries, such as dissatisfied, indifferent or optimistic ones and the need for individualised interventions became clearer. By identifying the beneficiaries’ different attitudes and expectations, we may conclude that studies on how it would be possible to shape the services according to a particular need are a necessity.


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