loyalty, performance management, motivation of human resources, appraisal instrumentsAbstract
The aim of the research is to investigate and understand what motivates the employees of the North-East Regional Development Agency, the driving forces behind their loyalty, and furthermore, how staff retention reflects onto the overall performance of the organisation, and how this is measured and quantified. We started from the premise that motivating actions and effective retention strategies enable employees to become committed to their workplace, as they feel appreciated, stimulated and view their position as secure. The general objectives of the qualitative study were: to identify the motivating factors as well as demotivators at the workplace; to distinguish the link between motivation and employee loyalty as against organisation; to determine the link between motivation, employee loyalty and performance; to identify techniques and rules of good practice in assessing performance and motivation of employees at work. The data collection method was the semi-structured interview, nonprobabilistic, snowball-type sampling was used. The main topics of the analysis were: What makes people remain loyal to the company they work in? In what circumstances can employee loyalty be considered a result of good motivational management? How does employee loyalty lead to outstanding company performance at all managerial levels? The practical dimension of the research focused on the following themes: motivation and motivation methods; demotivating elements in workplace activities; loyalty and organisational citizenship behaviour; and performance reviews.References
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