Mots-clés :
political power, political science, conceptual frameworks, social structures, legitimacyRésumé
The phenomenon of power is very important in explaining political actions. The concept of political power is, in turn, crucial for the study of political life and political ideologies. It was frequently used to define politics, but, in a sense, it is essential to describe the goals of political science. Any practical application will be required to consider a certain understanding of the power relations embedded in social structures. Political power is only one aspect of the power relation in society, but it often expresses itself in subtle, imperceptible forms. That is why, in what follows, we will explore some of the conceptual ramifications of the study of political power, taking into account not only the objective features of the relationship between the „subjects of power” and the „people in power”, but also subjective elements, social and psychological factors, sometimes hardly visible.Références
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