À propos de cette revue

Focus and Scope

General description

The Scientific Annals of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi (New Series). Political science is an annual journal edited by the initiative and under the direction of the Political Science Department of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University. Its basic goal is to make publicly available the most recent scientific contributions of our university research groups and to take part in the exchange of ideas in the field of political science, at a national and international level. Additionally, we aim to provide a multidisciplinary forum for critical discussion and reflection on key political issues.


The journal appears on 30th November each year, with a deadline on 30th April for paper submission.

Editorial policy

Our journal receives scientific papers which are related by subject or approach to political science. All of the main research directions, disciplines or sub-disciplines are considered. Our editorial policy aims to promote, within a very broad perspective, interdisciplinary contributions in the field of social sciences and humanities.

The papers must be written in English, French or Romanian, and must follow the general instructions established by the editorial board.

The opinions or statements expressed in the articles accepted for publication belong entirely to the authors and do not represent necessarily the point of view of the publisher or editors.


The journal is distributed nationally and internationally, amongst various university libraries and indexed in the following online databases:

Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)

Index Copernicus



Author`s rights

All manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original works, not published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript the authors agree that the copyright of their article is transmitted to the editors so that the paper is published, without any restraint, in printed and digital form.

Ethics statement

Our editorial team is committed to promote high publishing ethical standards, doing everything possible in order to ensure that all the participants involved (authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers) are willing to endorse the fundamental values of scientific knowledge and academic practice, in concordance with the principles recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Particularly, it is important that authors comply with the rules of professional ethics applicable in their field of academic research. Authors are also responsible for taking all precautions necessary to avoid any suspicion of plagiarism or any doubt regarding the authenticity of the texts and the attribution of intellectual rights.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts are refereed by two anonymous reviewers. The refereeing process may take at most three months and authors will be informed about the results of the evaluation. Authors may be asked to make some changes in their texts.

Also, authors must follow all the technical recommendations suggested by the editorial board.

In order to ensure the peer review process, the authors are asked to send the article in two copies, of which one without any identification data and without any information regarding the article`s author.