Modelele Școlii Proces și modelele Școlii Semiotice ca repere într-o analiză critică a mass-media românești
Cuvinte cheie:
media, communication models, semiotics, The Process School, The Semiotic SchoolRezumat
The following paper is focused on a critical analysis of some aspects regarding the profile of Romanian media. As a starting point in our endeavor we are going to use the communication models developed within two Classical Schools of Communication Theory: the Process School and the Semiotic School. The first school is centered on the stages of communication process, whilst the second school is centered on the meaning of messages which is often enriched at the social level. Starting from this particularity of the models, we intend to make a few observations regarding the complicated and quite specific relationship between Romanian media and its public.Referințe
ActiveWatch, Raportul FreeEx Libertatea Presei în România 2015-2016
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