The ”Living Light” Language: A Methodological Approach


  • Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi.

Cuvinte cheie:

biophotonics, semio-logics, resonance, language, methodology.


The fact that, in its quality of both energy and information, the ”LIVING LIGHT” – (bio)electromagnetically generated by the biological systems – is a real or a potential sign for any world reality, represents an intuition that is more and more widely accepted. Suffice it to think that, through visible light, “the physical eye” reproduces the forms of reality (their significant) and through cerebral bioluminescence – “the mental eye” (“the third eye”) – generates the semantic dimensions (the signified) of the reality exterior and interior to the human being, so that such an intuition becomes as explicit as possible.


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