
  • Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU Universitatea "Al. I. Cuza", Iaşi

Cuvinte cheie:

semiotics, functional virtues, theory & methodology, philosophy, synergy


"What a chimera, then, is man!" wondered Blaise Pascal some time ago. We can state more explicitly such a question, as: "Why are humans human?" or "Why is human a «being of light»?" Methodologically speaking, in order to give a pertinent answer to the questions above, which are "languageobjects" (fields of reference / philosophical interests) for a general theory of human beings’ signs, we should necessarily define a "metalanguage" (namely a perspective / method within which to formulate our answers). With these considerations in view, we can appreciate that, at the interface with philosophy, the discipline corresponding here to the above-mentioned specific and main question is semiotics.


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