Cuvinte cheie:
advertising, consumer, brand, memorization, cognitive stimuli, emotional stimuliRezumat
The purpose of this article is to emphasize that the „how” of the process involved in the memorization of a commercial message may influence the opinions across a population with regard to a given brand. Changing views of consumers towards a given brand does not imply that, perforce, the brand will be purchased or sold. This conclusion is based on findings from the field of experimental psychology. That is, the modification of the cognitive and emotional dimensions of an attitude does not necessarily lead to the amendment of its behavioural component. The messages presented in advertisement are not homogeneous stimuli, so to speak, purely cognitive stimuli. Commercials represent a complex of cognitive and emotional stimuli that may unequally affect the three aforementioned attitudinal components of consumers’ behaviour towards a brand. Therefore, it’s not surprising that sometimes people are absolutely fascinated by certain commercials, although mentally they have no drive or intention to buy the advertised brand or product.Referințe
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