The Narrative Imaginary in Advertising


  • Anca Georgiana ȘERBAN (MĂDĂRAȘ) Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza” din Iaşi

Mots-clés :

advertising, story, persuasion, sale, products and services, consumer loyalty


The most extensive activity in advertising is the provision and consumption of stories. Stories are sold and bought, they are part of the exchange and are the ways of describing the goods and services. Considering this reality, advertisers should build up speeches in the form of memorable stories of archetypal characters, stories that provide an explanation that includes a conflict and a morality, because in such stories we can find most of us. The main purpose of the advertising speech is to persuade the target audience. A message that is not wrapped in a beautiful story is very likely to remain unnoticed, to be swallowed up by media chaos. Today, in the wake of product warfare and advertising messages, the story is no longer just a way to capture the target audience's attention, but it has become the foundation for a brand that aspires to customer loyalty and consumer loyalty. Good stories have the power to build a community around a brand. The very definition of the story has new nuances in the current marketing context because not every fairy-tale message is a story, and not every brand that is grounded in a story overlooks the era of consumerism.


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