Perception, Attention, and Knowledge in Cartesianism, Malebranchism and the Empiricism of David Hume


  • Viorel ȚUȚUI Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza” din Iaşi

Mots-clés :

perception, attention, knowledge, Cartesianism, Malebranchism, empiricism


In this paper I investigate the way in which a specific philosophical theme, namely that of the relation between perception, attention and knowledge, could be used to shed some light on some of the most important theories of modern philosophy: cartesianism, malebranchism and the empiricism of David Hume. I would argue that, despite their obvious differences, these great thinkers share a common concern for the aforementioned problem. Moreover, I will try to underline that a better way to understand not only the differences, but also the common assumptions of their views, is to describe them as different interpretations of the same relation between perception, attention and their objects and also, as different perspectives regarding the role played by each of these elements in the process of knowledge.


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Knowledge and Discourse Analysis