Brandurile ca structuri ontologic consistente
Mots-clés :
brands, brandworld, reality of brands, artifacts, artworld, artwork, possible worlds, fictional worlds.Résumé
The aim of my research is to clarify the ontological status of brands among other types of artifacts. The effort to clarify this ontological problem follows three distinct lines of argumentation: First, I emphasize that there is a profound similarity between the way in which some philosophers understand the genesis of the artwork and how the genesis of a brand happens. Second, I argue that any brand is much more than what derives from tangible identity and from mental association. Any brand is a brandworld, a world resembling a fictional world. Finally, I advocate the autonomy of the brands as types of entities, arguing that brands do not have a shadowy existence and are not mere shadows of industrial products. If brands would not have autonomy and would not have a causal power, then many economic phenomena would become unintelligible.Références
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