Mots-clés :
sentiment analysis, opinion mining, communication techniques.Résumé
The recent growth in access to technology and the Internet, together with the development of the Web 2.0 (Social Web), has led to the birth of new and interesting social phenomena. On the one hand, the possibility to express opinion “by anyone, anywhere, on anything”, in blogs, forums, review sites has made it possible for people all around the world to take better and more informed decisions at the time of buying products and contracting services. On the other hand, the companies and public persons are more informed on the impact they have on people, because the large amount of opinions expressed on them offers a direct and unbiased, global feedback. The other side of the coin is that uncontrolled expression of opinions has given way to proliferation of violent messages, instigation to anti-social and other negative behaviour. Due to the large volumes of such data, automatic systems must be built to deal with it. We present different approaches for the machine treatment of subjective communication (opinion mining) and show our findings, discussing their implications.Références
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