Mots-clés :
problematization, logic of question and answer, interrogative theory of meaning, problematology, problematicity of communication.Résumé
The main thesis of this study is that without problematization there is no communication, because all the communicative acts have a meaning only in reference to a problem, only if the message is understood as an answer to a question. Therefore in order to understand communication we need a new conceptual framework based on a systematic reflection on the place and the functions of problems and problematization modes in the communicative processes. Theoretical resources for this reflection are found in the interrogative theory of understanding elaborated by R.G Collingwood as a „logic of question and answer” and developed in the hermeneutics of H.G. Gadamer and the problematology of M. Meyer.The study aims to identify some constructive principles, critical implications and practical applications of a problematological theory of communication.Références
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