Mots-clés :
Archetypes of light, Connection, Nature and culture, Synergy, HarmonizationRésumé
The ARCHETYPAL CONNECTION between human and cosmos – mediated by the power of a specific LIGHT (information-energy) – was implicitly present in the traditional human creation by a double manifestation: a) a natural one, contributing to the bio-psychical health optimization by the objective resonance upon the human body of the materials, colors and forms used in popular clothing, utilitarian instruments, architecture, etc., on the one hand, respectively to the energizing ritualistic / symbolical practices of dance, music, speech, on the other hand; b) a cultural one, spiritually/mentally optimizing the human being by permanently informing that he/she is both a divine and cosmic creation. The main purpose of this paper is to recuperate and to (re)valorize the force of the archetypal “language of light” for the benefit of contemporary human life.Références
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