The Discursive Memory: Difficulties in the translation and in the analysis of presidential commemorative discourse in South Korea


  • Iolanda PRODAN Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza” din Iaşi


commemorations, commemorative discourse, politics of memory, Asian Rhetoric


This article is focused on the main challenges in translating and analyzing South Korean commemorative presidential discourses. Drawing on the latest theories on the translation of political discourse and the politics of memory and commemorations, the article presents some critical points in approaching the translation and interpretation of some controversial concepts such as “the history problem”, “settling the terms with the past”, “the correct understanding of history” as well as the metaphorical names given to the official South Korean commemorative holidays. The analysis shows that translating a genre of political discourse is not just an issue of linguistic skills, but also a matter that requires a deep understanding of the socio-political and cultural context in which a discourse on history and national identity is being articulated and disseminated.


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