critical rationalism, epistemology, Karl Popper, anti-istoricism, anti-inductivismAbstract
The argumentation of this paper focuses on the analysis of Karl Popper’s social and political philosophy. However, his social and political theory is based on the theses of his epistemological conception. This is the reason why in the first part of this article I will present Popper’s epistemological theory. Following the contributions of W.N. Newton-Smith, H. Putnam and A.J. Ayer, I will present the inconsistency that appears between some of his most important epistemological theses: the anti-inductivist conception and his theory of the scientific progress. In the second part of the article I will argue that a similar inconsistency affects some of his most important social al political theses: the anti-istoricist conception and the thesis of social and political progress.References
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