unity, verbal language, explanatory hypothesis, the power of word, communicative dispersion.Abstract
In order to better understand homo loquens, a careful attention should be given to the postulate according to which both cosmic and human universe rely on recessive dualities such as chaos and cosmos, dark and light, silence and talking, nature and culture. For it is not always easy to explain the complex way a certain reality changes into its opposite. For example, we still look into the matter: How was it possible for a divine, pure spiritual essence to change into cosmic matter? How was it possible for the holy word of divine origin to later change into profane word of human origin? Anchored in such an explanatory context, this paper aims to study the processes in which a certain communicative unity of human being – under the conditions of passing from nature to culture – changed into this diversity of languages that paradoxically help human beings to communicate and understand each other. The roots of a global communication, semiotically assumed, in other words....References
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