
  • Viviane COUZINET Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France


bibliography, knowledge organization, scientific research, bibliographic instruction, library skills, information technology, information literacy, information society.


This paper addresses the significance of bibliography and of knowledge organisation to education and scientific research in the context of the development of new information technologies. It begins with a presentation of the historical evolution of the bibliographical work from the ancient practice of writing a systematic list of the books in a library to the modern and computerised bibliographical databases. This is followed by a discussion of the growing importance of this profession for educational and scientific activities. The main thesis of the article is that the mastering of the new information technologies gives rise the „information literacy”, a new kind of competence which includes the skills of finding the information one needs, using the research techniques and critically evaluating the information content. These skills are cultivated at different levels in the new „information society”, from the level of the information autodidact to that of the information literate, depending on the social, political, cultural and ethnological factors.


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