Cuvinte cheie:
the arts of existence, life as a work of art, culture, ethics, experience, practices, techniques of self, technology, technique, techne, authenticity, meditation, contemplationRezumat
The Techniques of the Self between Intentionality and Authenticity In this paper, I intend to discuss the way in which philosophy teaches the “techniques of the self”. I do not necessarily ask for a technical analysis, not even for a critical one but rather for an opinion-based experiment. I would like to see how philosophy is, or can become a way of living, as well as finding out if this point of view can be justified. Because of this, I started from a possible link between the texts of two philosophers: Michel Foucault and Mircea Eliade. The two philosophers discuss, more or less explicitly, about a series of epistematic experiences that can be conducive to the formation of the subject as the subject of ethics and aesthetics at the same time.Referințe
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