

Cuvinte cheie:

Kierkegaard, Przywara, analogia entis, Barth, analogia fidei, difference, the Absolute Paradox


Søren Kierkegaard or on the impossibility of the theory analogia entis Starting from the statement of the Catholic theologian E. Przywara who saw in S. Kierkegaard the modern thinker with a certain perspective on the doctrine analogia entis, I have tried to identify in the writings of the Danish philosopher arguments on which this „perspective” can find its fundament. I did not manage to find in his writings anything but counterarguments that disaffirm the thesis supported by Przywara, for example: „God and man are two qualities between which an infinite difference interposes” (The Sickness Unto Death). The example is not a singular one, this idea being found in almost all of his texts. Reason for which I tend to believe that in the writings of the Danish philosopher we can rather speak of a special type of analogy, a analogia relationis, understood as a relationship, a report, not with the being, attributed univocally or by means of analogy, to man and to God, but with Christ.


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