
  • Ionuț-Alexandru BÂRLIBA

Cuvinte cheie:

Kierkegaard, pseudonyms, existence, repetition, Climacus, esthetic, ethic, religious, faith


Kierkegaard among pseudonyms This paper examines Kierkegaard’s use of pseudonyms. It is well known that most of Kierkegaard’s philosophical works were written under pseudonyms. Throughout this article I try to put together the reasons and the meanings of Kierkegaard’s pseudonymity. Thus the first part of the essay identifies and explains the main reasons for which Kierkegaard writes under a variety of pseudonyms. Secondly the paper analyses some of Kierkegaard’s most important pseudonyms in order to clarify their hidden meanings. Are the pseudonyms Kierkegaad’s aliases? Are the pseudonymous authors real people? How can we tell the difference between Kierkegaard’s real opinion and the ideas asserted by the pseudonymous authors? These are some of the questions this paper tries to answer.


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