
  • Anton ADĂMUŢ Prof. Dr., “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Department of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences. Author of the books: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>Filosofia sfântului Augustin</i> (Polirom, 2001), &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>Cum viseaza filosofii</i> (Editura ALL, 2008), &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[<i>Si</i>] <i>Filosofia lui Camil Petrescu</i> (Editura Timpul, 2008).

Cuvinte cheie:

Greek philosophy, public sphere, domestic sphere, courtesans, love, marriage


The Greek is conservator: in the public sphere the man is moving; in the domestic one, the woman (as a compensation: in the public sphere there is nothing that belongs to the man directly, in the domestic one the woman owns everything in what the administration is regarded, and the keys to the pantry with supplies and to the cellar are for the woman the sign of authority, even if the man may exert some sort of extra control. Teofrast, in Characters, 18, shows how the man, distrustful, before bedtime, asks the wife if she had closed the chest, if she had putted the seal, if she had locked the gate). I would like to curdle things and to say that the separation from the domestic space did not imply any obligation from the man.
