
  • Dana ŢABREA PhD, “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi (Romania). Title of the PhD thesis: <i>The Development of Metaphysics as a Hermeneutics. Robin George Collingwood</i>.

Cuvinte cheie:

Romanian philosophys, metaphysics, philosophy of language, epistemology, hermeneutics, presupposition


The idea of presuppositions that made career in Collingwood’s philosophy, especially as the idea of absolute presuppositions, influenced in a considerable manner Romanian philosophy and this is what I intend to explore in my present study. Generally, Romanian authors analyzed the role and function of presuppositions within epistemology (Mircea Flonta, Ilie Pârvu), some of them were mainly interested in how philosophy converts into a historical discipline without overlooking that Collingwood anticipated the hermeneutic turn in philosophy (Florin Lobont) and some others offered interesting perspectives on how presuppositions can be characterized from the point of view of a philosophy of language (Adrian Paul Iliescu, Valentin Muresan). I was myself interested in the issue of presuppositions opening new paths of (re)interpreting them and insisting upon the hermeneutical role of Collingwood’s metaphysics.


Botez, Angela, “Metaphysics at its End or Postmodern Resurrection” („Metafizica: Moarte sau Resurectie Postmoderna?”), Revista de Filosofie, XLIV, 1-2, 1997

Culianu, Ioan Petru, Mind Games. The history of Ideas, Theory of Culture and Epistemology, Iasi: Polirom, 2002

Eliade, Mircea, L’Epreuve du Labyrinthe (Entretiens avec Cl. H. Rocquet), Cluj-Napoca: Dacia, 1990

Flonta, Mircea, Philosophical Perspective and Scientific Reasoning (Perspectiva filosofica si ratiune stiintifica), Bucuresti: Ed. Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, 1985

Adrian Paul Iliescu, The Philosophy of Language and the Language of Philosophy (Filosofia limbajului si limbajul filosofiei), Bucuresti: Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, 1989

Muresan, Valentin, What is Philosophy? („Ce este filozofia?”), in Valentin Muresan (ed.), From Wittgenstein to Heidegger (Între Wittgestein si Heidegger), Bucuresti: Ed. Alternative, 1998

Tabrea, Dana, „Collingwood, Eliade, Culianu: re-reading the theory of presuppositions”, Collingwood and British Idealism Studies, edited by David Boucher, Bruce Haddock & Andrew Vincent, volume 10, Collingwood Society 2004.
